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Legal Projects

GEI is privileged to offer high quality legal services to individuals and communities.  Below are some of our active projects.

Great Education Initiative has partnered with Three Stones LLC.  This company is designed to administer strategic, conservative legal projects which will improve the government.  A number of projects listed on their site, are GEI projects.

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Title IX is a wonderful law that, for years, has protected our girls and women in our schools.  Unfortunately, the current administration is attempting to redefine what a woman is, putting our women in danger and robbing them of opportunities.  We are seeking a Federal Injunction for Michigan to Save Our Girls.

It is a parent's right to raise and teach their child.  When curriculum or concepts are deemed objectionable or inappropriate a parent can Opt-Out.  This includes the Rogue Sex Education that is plaguing many of our schools today.

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Dexter Public Schools had a policy that explicitly revoked a parent's right to Opt-Out of objectionable Rogue Sex Education.  We took action and the School Board complied.

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